Personal, adventurous, insightful a blog by Matej Suchý

  • Life is A-changin’

    Life is A-changin’

    Feels like life is a bit without meaning when you don’t have some mental challenges to overcome. As if we would be filling our lives with new and new challenges just so we don’t have to – just be. Because just being here gives you a lot of time to think about life and the…

  • Nečakaný mini trump

    Nečakaný mini trump

    Trump môže znieť pre cezpoľného ako zvláštne slovíčko pre pomenovanie viac-dňovej turistiky. Trampovanie je v širšom zmysle rekreačné táborenie v prírode, obyčajne spojené s pešou turistikou. Toto hovorí Wikipedia no skomolením v našej lokálnej skupine sme začali používať slovíčko trump. Naša víkendová turistika cez hrebeň Veľkej Fatry sa rázom zvrtla na nekonečné putovanie džungľou a…

  • Postrehy a skúsenosti z Erasmu, ohliadnutie sa po roku

    Postrehy a skúsenosti z Erasmu, ohliadnutie sa po roku

    Čo je to Erasmus+? V skratke je to program pre študentov, ktorý ti umožní vycestovať na partnerské univerzity do zahraničia. Počas každého stupňa štúdia vysokej školy máš nárok na 1 rok mobility! Pobyty môžu byť rôznych dĺžok no najčastejšie trvania sú jeden alebo dva semestre. Prečo práve Jyväskylä vo fínsku? Po tom ako som začal…

  • How long-lasting is our collective memory?

    How long-lasting is our collective memory?

    Recently I watched this documentary which teleported me back to 2018. I have relived a memory of me standing on the square in Martin and later in Bratislava with hundreds of other people who were disgusted about how corrupted our system was and how someone can just order to kill a journalist who is in…

  • O dôležitosti priateľstva

    O dôležitosti priateľstva

    Komplement k rodičom v detstve, spôsob úniku a sebarealizácie počas dospievania a potom neskôr v dospelosti ako? Kamaráti nás formujú, obohacujú o zážitky, informácie a pohľady na svet. Často si hľadáme priateľov s podobnými názormi a záľubami. Nakoľko mať “yes, i can relate” pocit a dokázať sa nadchnúť pre podobnú záľubu je ten najjednoduchší spôsob…

  • Rewind 2022

    Rewind 2022

    As the year was winding down I thought to myself, “Wow, so many things happened I should make a rewind to remember them!” The Erasmus happened, living on my own for half a year in Finland was a great self knowing experience. I made the best friends and memories I could possibly think of but…

  • A chilly sunset above Záborie w/ Jakub Zvedela

    A chilly sunset above Záborie w/ Jakub Zvedela

    Very spontaneous meeting with Jakub (@kubco_) on fields nearby Martin. We have managed to take some dope shots and also had a good conversation. We didn’t have a specific theme, this one was more about catching the vibe of the landscapes and having a good time. Enjoy the pics 🤗 And some pics from Kubco.…

  • My first blog is about anxiety!

    My first blog is about anxiety!

    So hello, hello, we have met here for the occasion of my first article. On this blog I plan to post about my life, hobbies, travels, and everything in between that I am not willing to share on social media. Anxiety IN FINLAND IT WAS THE FIRST TIME I REALIZED THAT I HAVE AN ANXIETY…